Yearly Anthology
Why Anthologies
Our yearly anthologies was born out of the belief that every young person has a powerful story to tell, and that those stories deserve to be heard. Through our anthology projects, we provide a platform for youth to express their thoughts, dreams, and hopes for the future, while also nurturing their creativity and writing skills.
The purpose of this initiative is to empower young writers by allowing them to showcase their work in a professionally published collection. These anthologies not only celebrate the voices of young people but also create a sense of community and belonging as their stories are shared with others.

2023 - Voices of Tomorrow:
The hopes, dreams, and aspirations of our youth.
"Voices of Tomorrow" was created as a way to amplify the voices of youth and provide them with a platform to express their hopes, dreams, and aspirations for the future. We recognize that young people often have unique and powerful perspectives, but they may not always have the opportunity to share them with a wider audience. Through this anthology, we aimed to not only give our mentees a chance to showcase their writing but also inspire others by sharing their visions of a better tomorrow.
Your Words in Print, Your Story in the World.
The anthology features a collection of writing pieces from the young writers in our mentorship program. These stories, poems, and essays reflect their journeys, challenges, and aspirations for the future. Each piece highlights their hopes for personal growth, social change, and the world they envision. Through their words, these young writers share their authentic selves and provide a glimpse into the future they hope to create.
After the anthology was compiled, it was distributed to partner organizations working with children and youth, as well as local community groups. Our goal was to spread hope and inspiration, giving readers a sense of connection and a reminder that their voices matter. By sharing the anthology with a wider audience, we provided an opportunity for youth to not only showcase their writing but also inspire others to dream big, take action, and create positive change in their own lives and communities.
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